Tag: delegates
Council Delegate Primer

If you’re a council delegate, you might find the following information helpful to you as you serve your role. Although every council’s governance system is a little different, there are some overall concepts that are the same that we try to cover in the following articles.
Read More »Who’s Who in Council Governance

This article’s purpose is to give you an overview of the typical governance structure within a council. However, every council is its own 501(c)(3), otherwise known as a nonprofit organization. Therefore, each council has its own system and style of governance independent of GSUSA.
Read More »How to Navigate Council Finances

Many volunteers express frustration about understanding their council’s finances. They don’t know where to turn or how to translate what they’re being told and given at annual meetings and what these numbers represent. They also might wonder where the money is going. How do you find these things out?
Read More »Council Governance Documents

If you’re a council delegate, it’s important that you to educate yourself on the types of governance documents that apply to your council in order to be an effective delegate and representative. Here are a few that all delegates should get to know.
Read More »Delegates in the Council

The following is an article written by Helen M. Feeney and published in the December 1965 edition of Girl Scout Leader Magazine. It is found on pages 11 and 17. It is a great summation of what a council delegate should strive for and what is entailed with the position.
Read More »Why Should Councils Abide By Their Bylaws?

Sometimes volunteers have governance related questions regarding councils and whether or not they are faithfully following their bylaws. Why is this a big deal?
Read More »Built-in Civics Education

This is a follow-up to my governance post from February and also a commentary on the webcast GSUSA hosted recently about civics education and how we are missing an opportunity to educate ourselves through our organization’s governance and democratic process. However, it’s been wiped away in many places.
Read More »Governance and Operations – What’s the Difference?

It’s very important to know the difference between these two things as a delegate.
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