Tag: council board of directors
A Study of Council Bylaws

The following is a brief report studying the various bylaws of Girl Scout councils as of March 2023. Council bylaws vary in numerous ways within their jurisdictions. This report attempts to categorize and count the more common requirements and provisions that one could find in a typical nonprofit’s bylaws and in particular, focuses on those bylaw provisions which safeguard the democratic process.
Read More »How Can We Get Someone That We Want on a Board of Directors?

When it comes to decision-making on the council level, the board of directors is where the buck stops. Many delegates wonder how someone can become a member of the board in order to make sure voices of the membership are represented.
Read More »Who’s Who in Council Governance

This article’s purpose is to give you an overview of the typical governance structure within a council. However, every council is its own 501(c)(3), otherwise known as a nonprofit organization. Therefore, each council has its own system and style of governance independent of GSUSA.
Read More »How to Navigate Council Finances

Many volunteers express frustration about understanding their council’s finances. They don’t know where to turn or how to translate what they’re being told and given at annual meetings and what these numbers represent. They also might wonder where the money is going. How do you find these things out?
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