PROPOSALS 1 – 6: Council Coverage Proposals
Motion: THAT, as directed by the Committee of the Whole, Proposal 6 be adopted:
WHEREAS the National Council:
Declares its objective to be the attainment of strong and effective councils touching border to border and containing sufficient resources within their jurisdiction to bring the full Girl Scout program to girls; and
Pays tribute to the many thousands of Girl Scout adults who have devoted their time and effort toward the realization of that objective; and
Recognizes there are councils in proposed but incomplete projects now pending under the Council Coverage Plan which cannot or will not realize this objective under existing procedures and continuation of those procedures will divert resources from our primary effort to bring to girls the new design for program; and
Believes it is imperative that the energies of the adult leadership of the total organization be devoted wholeheartedly to bringing the new design in program to girls and to developing the potential of councils that have the breadth of resources essential to the accomplishment of this task; now therefore be it
THAT all directives and procedures heretofore enacted in relation to the Council Coverage Plan be and hereby are terminated; and
THAT all councils in proposed but incomplete projects are directed by the National Council to work toward the declared objective as rapidly as possible and complete their pending council organization projects or submit recommendations on jurisdiction to the National Board of Directors; and
THAT the National Board approve those projects or recommendations consented to by all councils included in the jurisdiction specified in the project or recommendation submitted, provided the Board finds them suitable and appropriate to promoting achievement of the declared objective. —- Motion Carried ( Ballot vote: Affirmative 2,439; Negative 359 )
Ballot vote: Proposal 1 (Scarsdale-Hartsdale) 454; Proposal 2 (Marion) 0; Proposal 3 (Ramsey) 0; Proposal 4 (Stillwater) 0; Proposal 5 (Citrus) 8; Proposal 6 (National Board of Directors) 2,390
[On Wednesday afternoon, two motions from the floor to amend Proposal 6 were defeated. ]Proposal 7 – Equalization of Transportation Costs for National Girl Events
Motion: That a system be evolved which would equalize transportation costs for patrols attending national events for girls, such as Roundup, by a set fee, payable each year by participating councils. Thus each council, no matter where situated, could anticipate, budget, and meet such costs which would be the same for all councils. — Motion Defeated
PROPOSAL 1: Follow-up of National Council Resolution of 1963
Motion: THAT the following proposal be adopted:
WHEREAS The National Council at its 1963 National Council Meeting gave a directive hereinafter called the National Council Resolution of 1963; and
WHEREAS, Some councils which were in incomplete projects at the time of the adoption of the National Council Resolution of 1963 have neither completed their pending projects nor submitted to the National Board of Directors recommendations on jurisdiction found by the Board to be suitable and appropriate to promoting achievement of the objective declared in that resolution; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That those councils are directed, prior to October 1, 1967, either to complete their pending projects or submit recommendations on jurisdiction that the National Board finds to be suitable and appropriate to promoting achievement of the objective declared in the National Council Resolution of 1963; and be it further
RESOLVED, any council which fails to comply with the National Council Resolution of 1963 and with this resolution has violated the terms, conditions, and requirements of its charter and has failed to meet the charter requirement of “adhering to the policies” and “participating in the activities and business of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.”
Motion: THAT Proposal I be amended by adding in paragraph 1, line 4, after the words, “National Board” the words, “having assessed the effectiveness of such councils in accordance with the means introduced at the National Council meeting in October, 1966. — Motion Lost
Proposal 1, Follow-Up of National Council Resolution of 1963, was CARRIED
PROPOSAL 2: Chairmen of Regional Committees
Motion: THAT the following Proposal be adopted:
WHEREAS, The special committee appointed to study the present and future needs of national services to the field reported to the National Council Meeting in 1963 the need for a completely objective review; and
WHEREAS, The Board of Directors engaged the firm of Cresap, McCormick, and Paget to conduct such a study; and
WHEREAS, One of the major recommendations of the firm is to reduce the number of regions; and
WHEREAS, It is essential that any plan for a reduction in regions be carried out in orderly fashion; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That at such time, before the meeting of the National Council in 1969, as a region and regional committee presently existing shall be discontinued and a new and different region and regional committee shall be established by the National Board of Directors, the following steps taken:
One of the former chairmen of the regional committees of discontinued regions shall be designated as chairman and, as available, another as vice-chairman of the regional committee of any newly established region to serve until the next succeeding regular meeting of the National Council: and
The designation of such chairman and vice chairman shall be made by the President in consultation with the Chairman of the Executive Committee and subject to approval of the National Board of Directors; and
The twelve regional committee chairmen elected at the 1966 National Council Meeting shall, despite any change in regions, continue to serve as members of the National Board of Directors until the completion of their terms at the next succeeding regular meeting of the National Council.
Motion: THAT Proposal 2 amended by inserting as a first step in paragraph 2 the words, “that prior to discontinuance of any region or the establishment of any new or different region or the establishment of any new region, the National Board of Directors shall, in advance of taking action, inform all councils. through their presidents, in the regions affected of the changes the National Board proposes to and allow these councils time to present, and the National Board time to evaluate, their reactions and views, and in the light thereof take action in the best interest of Girl Scouting. – MOTION LOST
Proposal 2: Chairmen of Regional Committees, was CARRIED
PROPOSAL 3: Representation on Nominating Committee
Motion: THAT the following Proposal be adopted:
WHEREAS. The six sections established by the National Council in 1960 to ensure that the National Nominating Committee would be representative of various sections of the country were defined in terms of regions, but should now be redefined the boundaries of those sections on the basis of states, territories, and possessions; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the motion adopted by the National Council in to ensure that the National Nominating Committee would be representative of six sections of the country be amended to redefine the boundaries of those sections on the basis of states, territories, and possessions as follows:
Section 1 – Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands.
Section 2 – Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Section 3- Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Canal Zone.
Section 4 – Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
Section 5 – Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming
Section 6 – Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, American Samoa, Guam, Midway Islands, and Wake Island
PROPOSAL 4 – Parent Support
Motion: THAT the National Board of Directors’ authorize the adoption and implementation of a Parent Support program as a regular and approved program for allowing parents of girls enrolled in local councils to make a voluntary contribution to council support as a recognition that they, as parents of girls directly benefiting from the Girl Scout program, have a stake in the program over and above their moral support of Community Chests or other general organized community funds. — MOTION LOST
PROPOSAL 5 – A Single Slate for Succeeding National Nominating Committees
Motion: THAT the motion adopted at the 1960 National Council Meeting which reads:
“That a multiple slate be used in nominating succeeding members of the National Nominating Committee” be amended by striking out the word “multiple” before the word “slate” and inserting the word “single” so that the motion will read:
“That a single slate used in nominating succeeding members of the National Nominating Committee,” — MOTION CARRIED
THAT the resolution adopted by the National Council at its meeting in October 1966 be amended by striking out Arkansas from Section 3 and inserting it in Section 5 so that the resolution would then read :
WHEREAS, The six sections established by the National Council in 1960 to ensure that the National Nominating Committee would be representative of various sections of the country were defined in terms of regions, but should now be redefined without change of composition on the basis of states, territories, and possessions; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the motion adopted by the National Council in 1960 to ensure that the National Nominating Committee would be representative of six sections of the country be amended to redefine the boundaries of those sections on the basis of states, territories, and possessions as follows:
Section 1—Connecticut, Maine, Hampshire. New Jersey, New York. Rhode Island, Vermont, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands,
Section 2—Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Section 3—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana. Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Canal Zone.
Section 4—Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Section 5—Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa. Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming.
Section 6—Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, American Samoa, Guam, Midway Island, and Wake Island.
This Motion Carried.
RESOLVED, That the definition of, and requirements for, a Girl Scout License approved by the National Council in October 1936 be amended by substituting the following, and THAT the National Council establish the following definition of, and requirements for, a Girl Scout License:
A Girl Scout license is a credential issued for no more than three years by the National Board of Directors of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. to a group of persons, a corporation, or other form of organization granting it the right to carry out specific activities in the name of Girl Scouting.
In order to receive a license, the applicant must give assurance that:
It will conform to all applicable standards, procedures and interpretations established by the National Board of Directors.
Motion: THAT Proposal 2 be amended by striking out the words following the word “interpretations” and inserting the following: “mutually established by the National Board of Directors and the board of directors of the Girl Scout local council or councils involved.” Carried
Motion: THAT Proposal 2, as amended, be adopted. Carried
WHEREAS, The adoption of membership requirements containing flexibility will allow the National Board of Directors to institute and adopt standards as the need arises, within the limits set by the National Council; so, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the requirements for Active Membership as a Girl Scout approved by the National Council in October 1951; the requirements for Active Membership as a Girl Scout adult and for Associate Membership as a Girl Scout adult approved by the National Council in November 1949; and the requirements for Sustaining Membership as a Girl Scout adult approved by the National Council in November 1960 be amended by substituting the following:
THAT the National Council establish the following requirements for certificates of membership:
Membership Requirements for Girls
Has made the Girl Scout Promise and accepted the Girl Scout Laws or, as appropriate, has made the Brownie Girl Scout Promise;
Is a participating member in the Girl Scout program;
Has paid annual membership dues of $1.00*;
Meets applicable membership standards.
Membership Requirements for Adults
For Active Membership as an Adult:
Accepts the principles and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution;
Has paid annual membership dues of $1.00*;
Is working in the organization in a defined adult capacity;
Meets applicable membership standards.
For Associate Membership as an Adult
Accepts the principles and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution;
Has paid annual membership dues of $1.00*;
Wishes to be associated with the organization but is not working as an adult with a Girl Scout group;
Meets applicable membership standards.
For Sustaining Membership as an Adult
Accepts the principles and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution:
Has made a substantial financial contribution within a sustaining membership plan to support the work of a council;
Has paid a proportionate amount of the $1.00* annual sustaining membership group dues;
Meets applicable membership standards.
Motion: THAT Proposal 3 be amended by striking out the word “accepted” under “Membership Requirements for Girls” and inserting the words “subscribed to.” Lost
Motion: THAT Proposal 3 be amended by deleting the words, “Accepts the principles and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution,” from the “Membership Requirements for Adults” and substituting the words, “Believes in the principles for which the organization exists. ” Lost
Proposal 3, Revision of Girl and Adult Membership Requirements, Was Carried
*This requirement was automatically amended by the adoption of the proposal changing membership dues as of September 1, 1971.
THAT Membership dues increase to $2.00 effective September 1, 1971.
Motion: THAT Proposal 4 be amended by adding the words, “and that 50¢ of this amount be retained by the local council.” Lost
Motion: THAT Proposal 4 amended by striking out ‘$2.00″ and inserting ‘$1.50.” Lost
Proposal 4, Increase of Membership Dues, was (By a counted vote of 1573 to 1241) Carried
Motion: THAT Proposal 4, Increase of Membership Dues. be reconsidered. Lost
Motion: THAT There be a recount of the vote on Proposal 4, Increase of Membership Dues. Lost
THAT Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. conduct a study for the purpose of determining if the organization should remain a uniformed movement.
Motion: THAT Proposal 5 be amended by substituting for the original motion the following motion: THAT Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. conduct a study for the purpose of determining the place of uniforms in the movement including the question of whether the organization should remain a uniformed movement. Carried
Motion: THAT Proposal 5, as amended, be adopted: THAT Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. conduct a study for the purpose of determining the place of uniforms in the movement including the question of whether the organization should remain a uniformed movement.
Motion: THAT Proposal 5 be amended by striking out the words “including the question of whether the organization should remain a uniformed movement.” Lost
Motion: THAT Proposal 5 be amended to include the words “that the study committee membership include, among others, one Brownie, one Junior, one Cadette, and one Senior Girl Scout. ” Lost
Proposal 5, Study Regarding Girl Scout Uniform, was Lost
Note: Leader Magazine only gave a summary of what was presented.
A new Promise and Law was approved:
The Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God,
My country and mankind,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
The Law
I will do my best:
—to be honest
—to be fair
—to help where I am needed
—to be cheerful
—to be friendly and considerate
—to be a sister to every Girl Scout
—to respect authority
—to use resources wisely
—to protect and improve the world around me
—to show respect for myself and others through my words and action
During this session, the National Council declared that all age levels should take the same Promise and directed the National Board to take appropriate action to bring about the deletion of the Brownie Scout Promise from the membership requirements for girls. Since changes in membership requirements can be made only by the National Council, they cannot be changed before 1975. In the meantime, Brownie troops may use either the Girl Scout Promise or the Brownie Promise.
At Session V, after nominations and balloting for the new Nominating Committee, the five remaining proposals to come before the National Council were considered.
The first two proposals affected the size and composition of the National Council. The delegates voted to reduce the maximum number of council delegates to the National Council Meeting to 2,000 and to establish a new formula for determining the number of delegates each council may select. They also voted to lower the minimum age limit of members of the National Council to 14 years, thus giving councils the option of electing older Girl Scouts to their delegations.
Two proposals were defeated. One would have allowed proxy voting at future National Council Meetings. The other would have made mandatory a ballot vote on National Council action to change membership dues.
The final proposal, which was accepted by the delegates, established requirements for a certificate of membership for Associate Membership as a girl. Associate Membership will be granted to any girl under the age of 18 who: accepts the principles and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution, has paid the annual membership dues of $2.00, wishes to be associated with the Girl Scout movement, and meets applicable membership standards.
Note: Leader Magazine only gave a very brief summary of what was presented. Here are excerpts from that write-up. Specific proposal language will be updated at some point.
After much discussion, final approvals called for a new sequence for the preamble to the Constitution; adjusted requirements for calling special meetings of the National Council and procedures for making nominations from the floor; established a reduction in the length and number of terms for members-at-large of the National Board; [and] made it possible for temporary short-term residents of licensed institutions to purchase and use Girl Scout uniforms and insignia.
Note: Leader Magazine only gave a recap of the proposals instead of a formal one. Here are excerpts from it:
A proposal, submitted by the Lake Erie Girl Scout Council, was heard next. This proposal to establish annual membership registration procedures, which would require that names and addresses of girl members be kept on file in the respective offices of local councils and not be maintained by Girl Scouts of the U.S A. was considered and defeated.
A pictorial review of this year’s triennium of Directors, concerning a new kind of’ council charter was considered and adopted. As a result, we now have two classifications of a council charter—the term charter for no more than six years and the optional continuing charter without term. The requirements for the continuing charter will be included in the next edition of the Blue Book of Basic Documents.
The last item on the agenda was consideration of a proposal from the National Board Directors to raise Girl Scout annual membership dues to $3.00, effective September 1, 1979. Balloting on this proposal came after questions and debate from the floor. The result the balloting on the membership dues increase proposal was announced at the start Of Meeting VI. By a vote of 1270 to 455, the proposal was adopted.
A proposal from the National Board of Directors to eliminate associate membership for girls and adults was then considered and adopted. As of September 1. 1979, we will have only one category of individual membership in Girl Scouting for girls and adults. No longer will members be identified as “active” or “associate” – but simply as members of the Girl Scout movement. The revised membership requirements will appear in the next edition of the Blue Book of Basic Documents.
A proposal on the triennal cycle of national meetings was then submitted by the National Board and three Girl Scout councils. Following discussion from the floor, the proposal was adopted. As a result, the cycle of national meetings will now consist of a meeting involving both councils and the national organization each year of the triennium: first year—Presidents’ and Executive Directors’ Meeting; second year—Program Conferences; third year—National Council Session.
A proposal to reduce the size of the National Board of Directors from 65 to 51 members was then considered and adopted. This change will become effective at the close Of the 1981 National Council Session. The slate of nominees presented to the National Council in 1981 will be in accordance with this action.
Note: Leader Magazine only gave a recap of the proposals instead of a formal one. Here are excerpts from it:
The official work began with the delegates’ approving the proposed amendments to the Constitution of GSUSA. These amendments will update the Constitution to include past National Presidents and representatives of lone troops as members of the National Council; to provide for consistency regarding the relationship of the Controller to the National Board of Directors; and to provide a means to remove a nonparticipating member of the National Board of Directors.
Proceeding to the next order of business, the delegates initiated discussion on Proposal #1: to move the date for determining the number of council delegates from December 31 to September 30. A substantial number of councils said such a change would facilitate their planning and operations, and the proposal was passed to be effective in 1983 for the 1984 National Council Session.
Proposal #2 — a feasibility study to consider relocation of GSUSA national headquarters — was passed after lengthy discussion. Delegates wondered about spending additional funds, since a previous study had been conducted in 1978. The majority, however, did want to determine if the present location permits the most efficient utilization of the organization’s financial resources.
With the passage of Proposal #3, establishing a lifetime membership in the movement, GSUSA has a new way to recognize adults who have given outstanding service. The new membership category also will help to retain the interest and support of adult members by providing continuing contact with Girl Scouting. The one-time registration will reduce operating costs and will provide an ongoing membership roster as a valuable resource of experienced volunteers.
The delegates approved Proposal #4 to conduct a feasibility study on whether to establish an alumnae membership category that would include graduating Senior Girl Scouts. The ramifications of alumnae membership include: a significant roster of potential volunteers to recruit; an easing of the monumental task of locating former members; and a means to determine the needs and interests Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. serves. To comply with the proposal, the national organization will soon begin work on the study.
The delegates engaged in a lengthy discussion over Proposal #5, to reinstate the traditional trefoil emblem as the only official symbol of the Girl Scouts. After a written ballot was taken of the delegates, the proposal was defeated. The proposal’s defeat reaffirmed the national organization’s decision to communicate a vital modern image of Girl Scouting. However, assurance was given that councils will be able to order the traditional emblem on the trefoil pin, flags, and some recognition items if they so wish.
Proposal #6, to reinstate partial membership dues, also was defeated after a floor discussion and vote. The membership dues will continue to be collected only once during the membership year in October.
Proposal 1 —The Girl Scout Promise
The proposal as presented by Greater Minneapolis Girl Scout Council was slightly amended before adoption. The revised Promise, effective immediately, is:
On my honor. I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Proposal 2—The Traditional Trefoil
The proposal as presented by Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital was debated with the emotion and sensitivity befitting this basic symbol of the Movement. The final action was to postpone the original motion indefinitely. This leaves the current status intact, continuing the existence of both the traditional and contemporary trefoils on membership pins flags, and some recognitions.
Proposal 3—Age Requirements for Girls
As presented by Connecticut Yankee Girl Scout Council, the proposal stated that the minimum and maximum ages of girls should be a membership requirement and therefore subject to change only by the National Council. The motion lost, as determined by a counted vote of 716 voting for the motion and 936 voting against it. The authority to make any change in the current age range Of 5 years of age or in kindergarten through 17 years of age or in grade 12 remains with the National Board of Directors.
Proposal 4—Adult Dues Increase
The proposal was submitted by the National Board of Directors. The motion as presented was amended by the delegate body to raise the Girl Scout annual membership dues to $4.00 effective October 1, 1986, and carried by a ballot vote 1,561 in favor and 140 opposed.
Proposal 5—Alumnae Membership
This proposal was submitted by the National Board of Directors based on direction given by the National Council in 1981 to study the possibility of such a membership category. The National Board felt the results of the study indicated support for such a category of membership. The plan submitted was not perceived as meeting the current needs of councils, and the proposal was defeated.
The following amendments regarding changes in terminology to be made where appropriate throughout the Constitution passed:
- Insert the word “National” before the words “Board of Directors” or “Board”;
- Insert the word “National” before the words “Nominating Committee”;
- Insert either the words “Girl Scout” or the word “local” before the word “council”;
- Strike out the word “invest (invested, investiture)” and insert the word “install (installed, installation)” in reference to terms of office;
- Insert reference to lifetime membership to be consistent with action taken at the 1981 National Council Session; and
- Strike out the word “meeting” and insert the word “session” in reference to the entire series of meetings which compose a National Council Session.

Proposal I—Minority Audit
The proposal presented by Buckeye Trails Girl Scout Council (Dayton, Ohio) that was amended before adoption follows: THAT the National Board of Directors establish as an integral part of the council self-evaluation process a minority presence, involvement, and participation audit whereby councils would be evaluated each triennium on their efforts to serve minority populations through Girl Scouting and that GSUSA be directed to develop a better means of uniformly defining minorities and assessing the number of minority members councils are serving.
Proposal 2 —Girl Scout Museum
The following proposal presented by the Girl Scout Council of Greater New York (New York) was adopted: THAT the National Board of Directors of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. promote and preserve Girl Scout history through the development of a master plan for a national historical collection and archives.
Proposal 3—The Traditional Trefoil
The proposal on the traditional trefoil as presented by the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital (Washington, D.C.) was again debated, and was lost. Junior, Cadette, Senior, and adult Girl Scouts will continue to have a choice of membership pins and both the contemporary trefoil (three girls’ faces) and the traditional trefoil (with the eagle) will continue to be available on flags and recognitions.
Proposal 4—To Amend the National Meetings Cycle
The following proposal presented by the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital was adopted: THAT the cycle of national meetings be amended to include meetings of presidents and executive directors by regions during the second year of the cycle.

Proposal 1 – National Service Project
The proposal presented by The Commonwealth Girl Scout Council of Virginia, Inc. (Mechanicsville, Va.) as amended before adoption follows: THAT GSUSA initiate coordinated service projects and opportunities with national scope and impact annually or on an ongoing basis.
Proposal 2—Provision of New Large-Scale Program Events for Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts
The following proposal presented by The Commonwealth Girl Scout Council of Virginia, Inc. (Mechanicsville, Va.) was adopted: THAT Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. and Girl Scout councils provide large-scale program events for Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts. GSUSA will allocate special grants for the sole purpose of financially supporting Girl Scout councils to sponsor and deliver such events.
Proposal 3—Establishment of the Girl Scout “Gold Award” Designation for the Highest Girl Scout Award in Perpetuity
The following proposal presented by Seal of Ohio Girl Scout Council (Columbus, Ohio) was adopted: THAT GSUSA recognize in perpetuity the designation Girl Scout “Gold Award” as the highest award to be earned as a girl member.
Proposal 4—CycIe of National Meetings
The following proposal presented by Mid-Continent Council of Girl Scouts (Kansas City. Mo.) and jointly sponsored by Girl Scouts of Milwaukee Area. Inc. (Milwaukee, Wis.) was adopted: THAT the triennial cycle of national meetings, beginning with the 1990-1993 triennium, consist of:
- A National Meeting of Presidents and Executive Directors, the National President, the National Executive Director, and members of the National Board and national staff. The meeting will be held approximately eighteen months following the National Council Session.
- The National Council Session as mandated by the Congressional Charter and the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
Proposal 5—Elimination of Regional Structure and Regional Chairmen to Allow a More Flexible System of Communications
The following proposal presented by Patricia K. Bell, chairman, Region I. was adopted by a two-thirds affirmative vote: THAT Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. eliminate regions and regional chairmen to allow for more flexible systems of communications that provide for direct linkage between Girl Scout councils and the GSUSA National Board of Directors without an intervening geographic structure and. further, to permit National Board members-at-large to be appointed by the National President to serve as liaisons between councils and the National Board of Directors.
Proposal 6—Membership Dues for New Members
The following proposal presented by Black Diamond Girl Scout Council (Charleston. W.Va.) and jointly sponsored by Girl Scouts of Central Maryland. Inc. (Baltimore. Md.) was lost: THAT membership dues for new members who join the Girl Scout Movement after May 1 shall be one-half of annual dues for the remainder of that membership year; and further, that the present arrangement be continued whereby new members who join in September for the membership year beginning the following October 1 are covered by insurance for thirteen months.
Proposal 7—Change in Membership Year
The following proposal presented by Birch Trails Girl Scout Council, Wisconsin (Wausau, Wis.) was lost: THAT the membership year of Girl Scouts of the United States of America be June 1 through May 31 effective June 1, 1992.
Proposal 8—Annual Membership Dues Increase
The following proposal presented by Tom E. Kimble, member of the National Board of Directors, was adopted: THAT the Girl Scout annual membership dues be raised to $6.00, effective with the 1993 membership year beginning October 1, 1992.
Proposal 9—Sustaining Membership Category for Adults
The following proposal presented by Lone Star Girl Scout Council (Austin. Tex.) was lost: THAT GSUSA leadership be authorized to establish an adult sustaining membership category with an annual fee of $20.00 over the GSUSA membership registration. Of this additional $20.00, one-half ($10.00) would be retained by the registering council and one-half ($10.00) would be forwarded to GSUSA with the regular membership registration fee.
Proposal 10—Assessing the Impact of Girl Scouting
The following proposal presented by San Jacinto Girl Scouts (Houston. Tex.) was adopted: THAT GSUSA conduct a series of research studies to examine the positive impacts of the Girl Scout program on the lives of past and current girl members.
Proposal 11—Use of Nonsexist Language in All Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. Materials Including Basic Documents
The following proposal presented by the Girl Scout Council of St. Croix Valley (St. Paul, Minn.) was adopted: THAT GSUSA adopt the use of nonsexist language in all Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. materials including basic documents, to reflect nonsexist attitudes and to support values and mission to serve girls. Further, THAT GSUSA substitute the word “chair(s)” or “the chair(s)” for “chairmen,” whichever is appropriate, in all basic documents and materials.
Proposal 12—Long•Range Planning for Program and Property Needs
The following proposal presented by the Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital (Washington. D.C.) was adopted: THAT GSUSA in its long-range planning consideration of property needs as related to program experiences for girls.
Proposal 13—Establishment of a Program Center West of the Mississippi
The proposal presented by Conestoga Council of Girl Scouts (Waterloo, Iowa) as amended was lost: THAT GSUSA establish a task group with the following charge: To investigate and determine the feasibility of a program center for girls located west of the Mississippi as an alternate opportunity site to National Center West.
Proposal 14 —Girls/AduIts with Special Needs
The following proposal presented by Arizona Cactus-Pine Girl Scout Council (Phoenix, Ariz.) was postponed indefinitely: THAT girls in Girl Scouting move from a girl membership category into an adult membership category at the age of 18 or upon completion of the 12th grade. This applies to all girls in Girl Scouting with one exception: Girls who are members of troops or groups for mentally retarded persons may, if they wish, retain their girl membership until they reach their 21st birthday or until they complete high school or its equivalent. In cases of mental retardation, based on appropriate medical opinion, the mental age of the girl, rather than the chronological age of the girl, be used as a guideline for placing girls in troops/groups even past the age of 21 (twenty-one).
Proposal 15—Do Not Sell National Center West
The following proposal presented by the Wyoming Girl Scout Council (Casper, Wyo.) was lost: THAT the National Board of Directors reverse its decision to sell National Center West.
Constitutional Amendments
The following constitutional amendments presented by Joan A. Raynal Lintz, member of the National Board of Directors, were adopted:
1. THAT the requirements for a Continuing Girl Scout Council Charter be eliminated: and, THAT the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended, with the proviso that continuing charters issued prior to October 1990 remain in force until the end of the 1989-1994 charter period, at which they will convert to term charters, by striking out the words “except for a continuing charter” in Article VIII, Section 4.
2. THAT Article XII, National Nominating Committee and Nominations, Section 4, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the United States of America be amended to read as follows:
At a committee meeting immediately following the National Council Session, the committee shall elect from among its membership a chair and a vice chair who shall serve for no more than one three-year term in their respective offices beginning at the time of their election at the committee meeting […] and ending upon the installation of the succeeding members of the committee at the next regular session of the National Council. A vacancy in the office of the chair shall be filled by the vice chair until the next regular session of the National Council. Five members of the committee present in person shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Other Actions
A motion made from the floor was adopted: THAT the National Council endorse the action of the National Board to remain an all-girl organization.
A resolution made from the floor honoring outgoing National President Betty F. Pilsbury was adopted by acclamation.

Proposal 1 – GirI Scout Gold Award Alliance
THAT GSUSA establish the Girl Scout Gold Award Alliance for those who have earned the Golden Eaglet, the Curved Bar, First Class, and the Girl Scout Gold Award, with the primary purpose of increasing support to current Girl Scouts in earning the award and enhancing overall recognition of the award. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED
Proposal 2 – Administrative/ Processing Fee for GSUSA Annual Membership Dues
THAT $1.00 of the Girl Scout annual membership dues be retained by Girl Scout councils to cover administrative and processing fees, effective with the 1995 membership year beginning October 1, 1994. Action taken: DEFEATED
Proposal 3 – Flexibility in Wording for Spiritual Beliefs in the Girl Scout Promise
THAT, since the Girl Scout organization makes no attempt to interpret or define the word “God” but encourages members to establish for themselves the nature of their spiritual beliefs, it be the policy Of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. that individuals when making the Girl Scout Promise may substitute wording appropriate to their own spiritual beliefs for the word “God.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,937 (Yes: 1,560 No: 375)
Proposal 4 – Review of the Wording of the Girl Scout Promise and Law
THAT the National Board of Directors appoint a task group of council and GSUSA representatives to review the wording of the Girl Scout Promise and law and related elements of our basic documents within the next triennium to ensure that the language is contemporary and meaningful to our increasingly diverse, pluralistic society while continuing to reflect the fundamental principles of the Girl Scout Movement. Action taken : PASSED
Proposal 5 – Ensuring the Continuing Effectiveness of the Democratic Process in Girl Scouting
- THAT the National Board of Directors appoint a task group of council and GSUSA representatives, two of whom should be girl members, to carry out a comprehensive two-year study of the total policy-making and policy-influencing process in Girl Scout councils and the national organization, including the role and composition of the National Council; and
- THAT all recommendations be directed toward supporting our Girl Scouts Of the U.SA. principles: “that the democratic way of life and democratic process shall guide all our activities…and that the ultimate responsibility for the Girl Scout Movement rests with volunteers.”
- THAT preliminary recommendations of the task group be communicated to the members of the National Council for review and comment prior to the 1995 National Meeting of Presidents and Executive Directors and the final report shared with National Council members for feedback before action by the National Board of Directors.
Proposal 6 – Nationwide Jurisdiction Review
THAT the National Board of Directors establish a process to be carried out during the 1993—1996 triennium whereby every Girl Scout council in the United States and its territories, except those councils which have participated in such a study since 1990, will conduct a review of its jurisdiction to ensure continuing vitality and growth of the Girl Scout Movement and accessibility to Girl Scouting for all girls. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,868 (Yes: 975 No: 893)
Proposal 7 – Elimination of Requirements for Sustaining Membership
THAT the requirements for membership as a Girl Scout sustaining member be eliminated as a membership credential; and THAT the membership requirements for sustaining membership, the policy on sustaining membership, and the procedures for registering sustaining members be deleted from the Blue Book Of Basic Documents. Action taken: PASSED
Spontaneous Motion – History of Girl Scouting and Diversity Study
The following spontaneous motion presented by Dr. Gloria D. Scott, past president Of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., was adopted: THAT during the 1993-1996 triennium, the National Board of Directors commission and develop a comprehensive history of Girl Scouting and diversity at the local and national levels and that this study be published and released no later than the 1996 National Council Session. Action taken: PASSED

Proposal 1 – Constitutional Amendment: Wording of the Girl Scout Law
THAT the Preamble of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by striking the Law in its entirety and inserting the following:
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Action taken: PASSED
Proposal 2 – Achieving Consistency in Communicating the Purpose of Girl Scouting
- THAT the Girl Scout national organization and its chartered councils uniformly communicate the purpose of Girl Scouting and adopt a marketing slogan emanating from that purpose. The purpose is as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the United States of America: … inspiring girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct, patriotism, and service that they may become happy and resourceful citizens.
- THAT the marketing slogan become “Preparing Girls to Be Their Best”; and
- THAT the National Board of Directors be directed to gain input from councils to evaluate the effectiveness of this communication effort and bring the results to the 1999 National Council.
Proposal 3 – Annual Membership Dues Raise
THAT the Girl Scout annual membership dues be raised to $7.00, effective with the 1998 membership year, beginning October 1, 1997. Action Taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast by paper ballot: 1,883 (Yes: 1,528 No: 353 Illegal: 2)
Proposal 4 – Lifetime Membership
- THAT Girl Scout lifetime membership dues be established at an amount equal to 25 times the annual membership dues, effective with the 1998 membership year beginning October 1, 1997;
- THAT the requirements for Girl Scout life- time membership be amended, effective January 1, 1997, so that lifetime membership as a Girl Scout adult is granted to any person (18 years of age or older or a high school graduate or equivalent) who: accepts the principles and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution; has paid lifetime membership dues; meets applicable membership standards; and
- THAT the applicable membership standards for Girl Scout adults be 18 years of age or a high school graduate or equivalent.
Action taken: PASSED
Proposal 5 – Constitutional Amendment: Reduction in Size of the National Council
- THAT Article IV, Section 4, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended by striking the words “two thousand” following the word “exceed” and inserting the words “fifteen hundred”; and
- THAT Article IV, Section 5, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended to read “twenty-four hundred girls under its jurisdiction who are members registered with Girl Scouts of the United States of America as of September 30 of the year preceding the regular session of the National Council; Girl Scout lone troops collectively shall be entitled to the number of delegates according to the same formula prescribed for local councils. The prescribed figures of twenty-four hundred girls shall be adjusted up or down by three hundred or multiples thereof when necessary to keep the total number of local council and lone troop delegates as close as possible to fifteen hundred but not in excess of fifteen hundred.”
Action taken: DEFEATED
Proposal 6 – Constitutional Amendment: Reduction in the Size of the National Board of Directors
- THAT Article X, Section 2, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended by striking the words “forty-four” before the words “members-at-large” and inserting the words “thirty-five”; and
- THAT Article XI, Section 1, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended by striking the words “Second and Third” and inserting the words “and Second”; and
- THAT the amendments of Article X, Section 2, and Article XI, Section 1, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. take effect with the election at the 1999 National Council Session.
Action taken: PASSED
Proposal 7 – Constitutional Amendment: Structure and Composition Of the National Nominating Committee
- THAT Article Xll, Section 1, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended by striking the words “sections of the country, such sections as determined by the National and its footnote, and inserting the words “‘geographical areas of the country.”
- THAT Article XII, Section 2, be amended to read “three-year term beginning at the adjournment of the National Council when elected and ending with adjournment of the next regular session of the National Council. Members shall serve for no more than two consecutive terms. At least three members, but no more than four, shall serve a second consecutive term. The National Board of Directors shall have the power to fill vacancies in the committee. The requirements of Section 1 of this article shall be adhered to in filling vacancies.”
- THAT Article Xll, Section 3, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended by striking the words “the succeeding members of the National Nominating Committee” and inserting the words “members of the National Nominating Committee, including a nominee to serve as chair of the National Nominating Committee.”
- THAT Article XII, Section 4 of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be ‘amended by striking it in its entirety and inserting the following: “At a committee meeting held following the National Council Session, the committee shall elect a vice chair from among its membership. A vacancy in the office of chair shall be filled by the vice chair until the next regular session of the National Council.”
- THAT Article X, Section 2, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.SA. be amended by striking ‘”include at least three persons from each section” and adding “be representative of the various geographical areas of the country.”
- THAT Article X, Section 3, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A be amended by striking the word “sections” and inserting the words “‘geographical areas of the country.”
- THAT Article V, Section 4, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A be amended by striking the word “sections’ and inserting the words “geographical areas of the country as defined in the Bylaws.”
- THAT Article VI, Section l.b., of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.SA. be amended by striking the words “sections as defined in Article XII of the Constitution” and inserting the words “geographical areas.”
Action taken: PASSED
Proposal 8 – Criteria for the Development of New Girl Scout Uniforms
THAT the national organization focus the future introduction of new uniforms upon clearly demonstrated need for adaptation or change. Future uniforms should meet the following criteria:
- Classic but contemporary in design—to reflect Girl Scouting as timeless and up-to-date
- Consistent in color—to enhance community visibility by incorporating the Girl Scout colors of green and/or blue, and, for Brownie Girl Scouts, brown
- Affordable—to promote unity of our economically diverse membership and be sensitive to cost considerations
- Practical—to support a variety of program activities and be wearable in all climates
Action taken: DEFEATED
Proposal 9 – Timing of Diversity Analysis: To amend the minority audit adopted by the National Council in October 1987
THAT the National Board of Directors establish a diversity analysis to be conducted once during each charter period as an integral part of the council performance assessment.
Action taken: PASSED

PROPOSAL 1 – National Girl Scout Gold Award Registry
THAT Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. establish and maintain a national registry of those who have earned the Golden Eaglet, the Curved Bar, First Class, and the Girl Scout Gold Award to foster and improve Girl Scouting through a nationwide federation and national recognition of the organization’s highest award recipients. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,961 (Yes: 1,861 No: 100)
PROPOSAL 2 – New Program Directions for Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts
THAT, as part of an overall strategy to expand and enhance program for Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts, GSUSA shall collaborate with Girl Scout councils in the research, development, and execution of a plan to enhance program-activity options for Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts; provide financial incentives to Girl Scout councils with the goal of increasing both the number and capacity of wider opportunities; provide seed money to Girl Scout councils to encourage sponsorship of large events to serve 1,000 girls or more. Was amended by striking the words “girls ages 11-17” and inserting the words “Cadette and Senior Girl Scouts” in their place. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,961 (Yes: 1,923 No: 38)
PROPOSAL 3 – Constitutional Amendment: Change in Procedure For How Girl Scout Council Proposals Must Be Placed on the National Council Agenda
THAT Article VI, Section I .b(2) of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. be amended by striking the words “two or more local councils in each of four or more of the geographical areas” and inserting in their place the words “a minimum of fifteen percent of all Girl Scout councils holding a charter issued by the National Board of Directors of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. as of September 30 of the year preceding the regular session of the National Council. ” The motion was amended by striking the word “twenty-five” and inserting the word “fifteen” in its place. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes Cast: 1,960 (Yes: 1,585 No: 375)
PROPOSAL 4 – Special Lifetime Membership Dues
THAT special Lifetime Membership dues be offered to any girl who is a registered Senior Girl Scout at the time of her high school graduation or equivalent, and be available to her before the girl’s current membership expires; and
THAT special Lifetime Membership dues be established at an amount equal to 13 times the annual membership dues. Action taken: PASSED | Votes Cast: 1,927 (Yes: 1,764 No: 163)
PROPOSAL 5 – Lifetime Membership for Girl Scout Gold Award Recipients
THAT Girl Scouts who have reached their eighteenth birthday and have earned the Girl Scout Gold Award be given Lifetime Membership by GSUSA, effective with the membership year beginning October I, 2001. Action taken: DEFEATED | Votes Cast: 1,978 (Yes: 309 No: 1,669)
PROPOSAL 6 – Membership Registration Fee
THAT 10 percent, or a minimum of $1.00 of each annual membership registration fee, be returned to the council in which the member registered, effective with the 2001 membership year beginning October 1, 2000. Action taken: POSTPONED INDEFINITELY | Votes Cast: 1,928 (Yes: 1,278 No: 650)
PROPOSAL 7 – Change In Timing of National Meeting of Presidents and Executive Directors
THAT the 1990 action by the National Council on the Cycle of National Meetings, Section l, be amended by striking “approximately eighteen months” and inserting “in the Fall of the next year;” and
THAT the amendment take effect upon conclusion of the National Council Session held in October 2002, and have no effect upon scheduling of the National Meeting of Presidents and Executive Directors in 2001. Action taken: REFERRED TO COMMITTEE | Votes cast: 1,873 (Yes: 1,655 No: 218)

PROPOSAL 1 – Collection Of Racial and Ethnic Statistics:
From the Great Blue Heron council
THAT the National Board of Directors appoint a task group of council and GSUSA representatives to study and recommend universal voluntary self- identification procedures for accurately collecting racial and ethnic statistics on Girl Scout members in order to increase and improve services to underserved populations; and THAT this task group be appointed by April 1 , 2003, and recommendations be implemented in conjunction with the next generation of the new membership registration and management system that is currently in process. Action Taken: PASSED | Votes Cast: 1,656 (Yes: 1,503 No: 153)
PROPOSAL 2 – Membership Dues Increase:
THAT the Girl Scout annual membership dues be raised to $10, effective with the 2004 membership year, beginning October 1 , 2003. Action taken (by ballot): PASSED | Votes cast: 1,742 (Yes: 1,392 No: 341)
PROPOSAL 3 – Developing Volunteer and Leadership Opportunities for Young Women Ages 18-25:
From the San Jacinto council
THAT, as part of an overall strategy to strengthen retention of older girls and attract and retain young women ages 18-25, GSUSA shall collaborate with Girl Scout councils to develop and execute a plan to enhance leadership development and volunteer opportunities for young women ages 18—25; and THAT the National Board appoint a National Advisory Group that comprises council representatives, National Board members, GSUSA staff, older girls, and young adults to develop guidelines for research. The proposal was amended by inserting the words “older girls” following the words “GSUSA staff.” Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes Cast: 1,649 (Yes: 1,562 No: 87)
PROPOSAL 4 – Constitutional Amendments: Change in Designation Of Girl Scout Lone Troops:
THAT the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by striking the words “Girl Scout lone troops” and “lone troops” where referenced throughout this document and inserting in their place the words “USA Girl Scouts Overseas.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,635 (Yes: 1,611 No: 24)
PROPOSAL 5 – Constitutional Amendments: Change in Officers’ Titles to Reflect Contemporary Usage:
A. THAT Article XI, Section 1, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by inserting after the word “President” the words “, who shall have the working title Chair of the National Board of Directors,”;
B. THAT Article XI, Section 1 , of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by inserting after the words “Vice Presidents” the words “, who shall have the working titles of Vice Chairs,”;
C. THAT the Constitution and Bylaws of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by striking the words “National Executive Director” where referenced throughout these documents and inserting in its place the words “Chief Executive Officer”;
D. THAT the Constitution and Bylaws of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by striking the word “Controller” where referenced throughout these documents and inserting in its place the words “Chief Financial Officer”;
Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1 ,643 (Yes: 1,453 No: 190)
PROPOSAL 6 – Constitutional Amendments: Attendance and Accountability:
A. THAT Article X, Section 4, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by substituting the following:
Any National Board member who is absent from two consecutive National Board meetings in their entirety without good cause, acceptable to the President or designee, shall be removed from the National Board by a majority vote of the National Board members present and voting at any regular meeting of the National Board of Directors. Further, a National Board member may be removed with or without cause by a three-fourths vote of the total number of the National Board of Directors.
B. THAT Article XI, Section 7, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by striking it in its entirety.
C. THAT Article XII of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by adding Section 5, as follows:
Article XII. 5.
Any National Nominating Committee member who is absent from two consecutive National Nominating Committee meetings in their entirety without good cause, acceptable to the National Nominating Committee Chair, upon recommendation Of the National Nominating Committee to the National Board of Directors, shall be removed from the National Nominating Committee by a majority vote of the National Board members present and voting at any regular meeting of the National Board of Directors. Further, upon recommendation of the National Nominating Committee to the National Board of Directors, a National Nominating Committee member may be removed with or without cause by a three-fourths vote of the total number of the National Board of Directors.
The proposal was amended by substituting new wording for Article XII, Section 5, as shown above. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes Cast: 1,642 (Yes: 1,612 No: 30)

- Proposal 1, Part A: Reduction in Number of Continuous Terms by the President by amending Article XI, Section 2, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA by striking the word “three” and inserting the word “two.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,698 (Yes: 1,666 No: 32)
- Proposal 1, Part B: Elimination Of The Requirement That Officers Must Be Members of The National Council by amending Article XI, Section 2, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA by striking the underlined words “All of these officers shall be elected from the membership of the National Council.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,659 (Yes: 1,489 No: 170)
PROPOSAL 2 – Reduction in the Number of National Board Members: Amend Article X, Section 2, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA (National Board of Directors) be amended by striking the number “35” and inserting the number “25.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,658 (Yes: 1,421 No: 237)
PROPOSAL 3 – Amendment to the Preamble of the Constitution: See Blue Book 2006 reference for wording of complete amendment. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,690 (Yes: 1,451 No: 239)
PROPOSAL 4 – Constitutional Amendment of Article III (“The Girl Scout Program): See Blue Book 2006 reference for wording of complete amendment. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,670 (Yes: 1,543 No: 127)
- Proposal 5, Part A – Reduction in Size of the National Nominating Committee: Amend Article XII, Section 1, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA (“National Nominating Committee and Nominations”) be amended by striking the word “nine” and inserting the word “seven”. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,660 (Yes: 1,332 No: 328)
- Proposal 5, Part B – CEO as a Non-Voting Member of the National Nominating Committee: Amend Article XII, Section 1, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA by inserting the words “and the CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA who shall serve as an ex officio nonvoting member” following the words “nine members.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,653 (Yes: 1,266 No: 387)
- Proposal 5, Part C – Proportional Realignment of the First And Second Terms on the National Nominating Committee: Amend Article XII, Section 2, of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA (“National Nominating Committee and Nominations”) be amended by striking the words “three members, but no more than four” and inserting the words “two members, but no more than three.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,632 (Yes: 1,553 No: 79)

- Proposal 1, Part 1: Wherever the word “local” shall appear in the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the United States of America relating to councils, the world “local” shall be struck. Action taken: DEFEATED | Votes cast: 1,783 (Yes: 924 No: 859)
- Proposal 1, Part 2: Where the term “National Nominating Committee” shall appear in the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the United States of America, the term shall be changed to “National Board Development Committee.” Action taken: PASSED | Unanimous consent
- Proposal 1, Part 3: To amend Constitution/Article IV/The National Council/Section 1/by striking out “for the time being” from the text. Action taken: PASSED | Unanimous consent
- Proposal 1, Part 4: To amend Constitution/Article V/Sessions of the National Council/Section 1, by striking out “(not necessarily within the District of Columbia) as it may determine or as may be” and “in absence of action by the National Council” and “local.” The proposal was amended to leave “local” in the wording. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,702 (Yes: 1,604 No: 98)
- Proposal 1, Part 5: To amend Constitution/Article V/Sessions of the National Council/Section 4, by striking the language requiring the quorum to reflect the geographical areas of the country. Action taken: WITHDRAWN FROM PROGRAM
- Proposal 1, Part 6: To amend Constitution/Article X/National Board of Directors/Section 2, by striking the language requiring the National Board of Directors reflect the geographic areas of the country. Action taken: WITHDRAWN FROM PROGRAM
PROPOSAL 2 – Constitutional Amendments: National Council Size, Formula, Special Session:
- Proposal 2A (about National Council size): The original proposal for Constitution/Article IV/The National Council/Section 4 had a breakout of whom the National Council will consist of and gave a number of 1,000 as the final count. This was amended to reflect 1,500. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,732 (Yes: 1,530 No: 202)
- Proposal 2B (about formulas for calculating how many delegates per council and total National Council number): The original proposal of formula numbers in Constitution/Article IV/The National Council/Section 5 was amended from 5,000 to 3,500 and instead of limiting the National Council to 1,000, the final amendment read 1,500 for the total membership. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,669 (Yes: 1,200 No: 469)
- Proposal 2C (regarding Special Sessions): The original proposal clarified the wording in Constitution/Article V/Section 3, but it was amended to include the word “local” before a reference to a council. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,712 (Yes: 1,455 No: 257)
PROPOSAL 3: To raise membership dues to $12 effective with the 2010 Membership year, beginning October 1st, 2009. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,770 (Yes: 1,310 No: 460)
PROPOSAL 4: To amend Constitution/Article V/Sessions of the National Council/Section 5 remove wording to allow for electronic voting. This proposal was amended to include the phrase “Decision on membership dues shall require a majority of votes cast.” Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,719 (Yes : 1,476 No: 243)
PROPOSAL 5 – National Board Development Committee:
- Proposal 5A: To amend the Constitution/Article XII/National Nominating Committee wording to reflect specific definitions. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,712 (Yes: 1,220 No: 449)
- Proposal 5B: To amend the Constitution/Article X, National Board of Directors, Section 5 by striking the phrase “except for the Chair of the National Nominating Committee.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,727 (Yes: 1,588 No: 139)
PROPOSAL 6: To amend the Constitution/Article VIII/Credentials/Section 4 by removing the language restricting membership to only annual or lifetime memberships. Action taken: WITHDRAWN FROM PROGRAM

PROPOSAL 1 (from the Central and Southern New Jersey council): To amend the Policies/Girl Scout Council/USAGSO/Girl Scout Council Authority and Responsibility section to strike “nor shall a Girl Scout council” and add “however, Girl Scout councils may charge an annual general program fee for girl members, not to exceed the amount charged by GSUSA for annual membership dues.” This charge would start FY2013. The proposal was amended to read “council service fee” instead of “general program fee.” Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,255 (Yes: 837 No: 418)
PROPOSAL 2 – Timing for the Election of National Council Delegates (from the NYPENN council):
- Proposal 2A: To amend the Constitution/Article IV/The National Council/Section 5/Formula for Delegates, by striking out the words “of the year” and inserting the words “two years.” Action taken: DEFEATED | Votes cast: 1,261 (Yes: 605 No: 656)
- Proposal 2B: This part of the proposal would have modified the terms of a national council delegate. Action taken: NOT CONSIDERED BECAUSE 2A DID NOT PASS
PROPOSAL 3 (from the Western Oklahoma council): To amend the Credentials section entitled “Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration,” second paragraph, by striking “is October 1 through September 30” and inserting “commences on the date of registration of the member.” Action taken: NO VOTE TAKEN AND INSTEAD REFERRED TO A TASK GROUP

PROPOSAL 1 – Flexibility of Dues and Registration Practices:
- Proposal 1A: As a recommendation of Task Group to Study National Dues Structure and Registration Practices (see Proposal 3 from 2011), this originally wanted to strike “annual or lifetime” from Constitution/Article IX/Membership Dues and replace with the word “applicable.” This proposal was amended to instead read as “annual, lifetime, or applicable membership dues.” Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,138 (Yes: 1,077 No: 61)
- Proposal 1B: To amend the Constitution/Article V/Section 5/Sessions of the National Council section by striking out the word “annual.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,157 (Yes: 1,109 No: 48)
- Proposal 1C: Originally this proposal for Constitution/Article VIII/Section 4/Credentials asked to strike “no more than one year, except for lifetime membership” and instead replace it with “the applicable periods.” This proposal was amended to read “annual, lifetime, or other applicable periods.” Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Votes cast: 1,163 (Yes: 1,122 No: 41)
PROPOSAL 2 – Reporting Relationship of Chief Financial Officer:
- Proposal 2A: To amend the Constitution/Article XI/Officers/1 by striking “the Chief Financial Officer.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,188 (Yes: 1,133 No: 55)
- Proposal 2B: To amend the Constitution/Article X/The National Board/2., by striking “and the Chief Financial Officer shall be ex officio members” and inserting “shall be an ex officio member.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,183 (Yes: 1,156 No: 27)
- Proposal 2C: To amend the Constitution/Article XI/Officers/3., by striking out “and the Chief Financial Officer.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,166 (Yes: 1,140 No: 26)
- Proposal 2D: To amend the Bylaws/Article II/Officers/G. by removing this section completely. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,186 (Yes: 1,124 No: 62)
PROPOSAL 3 – Role of Past Presidents: To amend the Constitution/Article XI/Officers/5., by striking out “The Past Presidents shall be members ex officio of the National Board of Directors without vote except during any period when they may be serving as duly elected members of the National Board of Directors.” Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,181 (Yes: 911 No: 270)
References: NCS Workbook 2017 & Notes
PROPOSAL 1 – Reducing the Size of the National Board:
To amend Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA by striking the number “25” and inserting the number “15.” Action taken: DEFEATED | Votes cast: 1,038 (Yes: 537 No: 501)
PROPOSAL 2 – Establish the National Board Development Committee As a Committee of the National Board of Directors:
- Proposal 2, Part A: To amend the Girl Scouts of the USA Constitution, Article XII, National Board Development Committee, Nominations, and Elections. Action taken: DEFEATED| Votes cast: 1,026 (Yes: 476 No: 550)
- Proposal 2, Part B through H: These parts would have amended other parts and sections of the Constitution and Bylaws to reflect changes from Part A. Action taken: NOT CONSIDERED BECAUSE PART A DID NOT PASS
PROPOSAL 3 – Lifetime Membership Dues:
- Proposal 3, Part A: To amend provisions in the Credentials/Certificate of Membership/Membership Requirements/Lifetime Membership section by striking language. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,012 (Yes: 937 No: 75)
- Proposal 3, Part B: To amend provisions in the Credentials/Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration/Lifetime Members section to reflect $400 rather than 25x multiplier. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,008 (Yes: 941 No: 67)
- Proposal 3, Part C: To amend provisions in the Credentials/Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration/Lifetime Members section by adding a $200 level for those under 30 who were alumnae. Action taken: PASSED | Votes cast: 1,010 (Yes: 952 No: 58)

Proposal 1 – Establishment of a Task Force to Examine the Feasibility of a National Gold Award Scholarship Foundation:
Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Total number of votes cast: 1,121 | Votes in favor: 1,050 | Votes opposed: 71
Proposal 2 – Constitutional Amendment on Membership Dues: To amend Article IX (Membership Dues) of the Constitution by adding as follows: “The National Board shall implement procedures for communicating with and seeking input from Girl Scout councils and National Council delegates prior to any membership dues change by the National Board.” Action taken: PASSED | Total number of votes cast: 1,164 | Votes in favor: 970 | Votes opposed: 194
Proposal 3 – Adoption of a Procedure for Communication on Dues Actions by the National Board: To amend the Credentials portion of the Blue Book of Basic Documents on page 26 following the Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration Section to create the following new procedure: “Communications Procedures for National Board Dues Changes Prior to any vote by the National Board to change membership dues structure or amount, Girl Scouts of the USA shall communicate with and seek input from all local Girl Scouts councils and National Council delegates on the proposed changes, intended use of the funds, and potential impact on the Girl Scout Movement. After action is taken by the National Board, there shall be a report to all Girl Scout councils and National Council delegates of the decision taken and the impact of the dues change.: Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Total number of votes cast: 1,157 | Votes in favor: 1,112 | Votes opposed: 45
Proposal 4 – Membership Dues Increase Restriction: TO amend provisions in the Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration section of the Blue Book of Basic Documents p. 25, by inserting after “affiliation” and before “Girl Scout” the wording, as follows: “In order to be a member of the Girl Scout Movement in the United States of America, a person must register with and pay annual, lifetime or other applicable membership dues to Girl Scouts of the United States of America. This is done locally through the Girl Scout council of USA Girl Scouts Overseas committee with which she or he is affiliated or through national headquarters if she or he has no council affiliation. The National Board of Directors must obtain approval from the National Council whenever a planned dues increase will result in dues increasing more than a total of 25% in any one triennium. Girl Scout councils account for membership dues in the custodian fund and transmit to GUSA within two months of receipt all moneys received for membership dues. These funds are not to be invested by the council for the purpose of generating income for the council.” Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED | Total number of votes cast: 1,142 | Votes in favor: 941| Votes opposed: 201
Proposal 5 – Constitutional Amendment on Consistency in Delegate Terms: THAT Article IV (The National Council), Section 7 (Term of Delegates) of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA be amended by inserting the words, “shall be elected in the calendar year preceding the National Council Session and” after the word “councils” and before the word “shall”. Action taken: PASSED | Total number of votes cast: 1,096 | Votes in favor: 882| Votes opposed: 214
Proposal 6 – Lifetime Membership Discount: TO amend provisions in the Credentials/ Certificate of Membership/ Membership Requirements/ Lifetime Membership section of The Blue Book of Basic Documents (pp.25-26) by adding as follows: “Lifetime members pay $400 lifetime membership dues at the time they become lifetime members; discounted lifetime membership dues of $200 shall be offered to anyone who was a registered Girl Scout member before the age of 18 and is under the age of 30 at the time of becoming a lifetime member; discounted lifetime membership dues of $200 shall be offered to anyone who is a registered member and has served as a volunteer for a period of 10 or more years at the time of becoming a lifetime member.” Action taken: PASSED Total number of votes cast: 1,087 | Votes in favor: 972 | Votes opposed: 115
Notes: 2023 NCS Recap & NCS Minutes
Proposal 1: Allowing the possibility of virtual attendance for National Council Sessions and for Special Sessions of the National Council – To amend the Constitution by updating Article V Sections 1 and 3 as follows:
Section 1
There shall be a regular session of the National Council held triennially at such time and place as determined by the National Board of Directors. Notice of the time, place, and purpose of such session shall be mailed or delivered electronically not less than 60 days before the session to each local council, to each USA Girl Scouts Overseas committee, and to each member of the National Board of Directors and National Board Development Committee.
Section 3
Notice of the special session, stating the time, place, and specific purpose, shall be mailed or delivered electronically not less than 30 days before the session to each local council, each delegate from USA Girl Scouts Overseas, each member of the National Board of Directors and the National Board Development Committee, each Past President, and each member elected by the National Council who is entitled to vote at such session.
Action taken: PASSED Yes: 830 | No: 19 | Votes Cast: 849
To amend the Constitution by updating Article V Sections 4 as follows:
Two hundred members of the National Council present in person shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at sessions of the National Council, provided, however, that delegates are present from one or more local councils in a majority of the geographical areas of the country as defined in the Bylaws. At the sole discretion of the National Board, any special National Council session and in the event of an emergency any regular National Council Session may be held in whole or in part by means of the internet or other electronic communications technology pursuant to which the members of the National Council have the opportunity to read or hear the proceedings substantially concurrently with their occurrence, vote on matters submitted to the members, pose questions, and make comments. Attendance through such means shall constitute presence in person at such meeting for quorum and voting purposes. In the absence of a quorum, a majority of those present at the time and place set for a session may take an adjournment from time to time until a quorum shall be present.
Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED Yes: 598 | No: 244 | Votes cast: 842
Proposal 2: Amend the Girl Scout Promise and Law – THAT the Preamble of the Constitution of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America be amended to remove the words “try.” The motion was divided into two parts. Action taken for Part 1: FAILED Yes: 199 | No: 653 | Votes cast: 852
Action taken for Part 2: FAILED Yes: 245 | No: 635 | Votes cast: 880
Proposal 3: Council Representation on the National Board – To amend Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA to require the National Board to include three council CEOs. Action taken: FAILED Yes: 120 | No: 733 | Votes cast: 853
Proposal 4: DEIRJ Language – To amend the Preamble of the Constitution to add anti-racism language. Action taken: PASSED AS AMENDED Yes: 678 | No: 196 | Votes cast: 874
Proposal 5: Formula for Delegates – To amend Article IV, National Council, Section 5 to reflect 1,000 girls as the formula for delegates and to insert language that reestablishes 1,500 as the size of the National Council. Action taken: FAILED Yes: 228 | No: 650 | Votes cast: 878
Proposal 6: Timing of Delegate Allotment – To amend Article IV (The National Council), Section 5 (Formula for Delegates) of the Constitution by striking “of the year,” and inserting the words, “two years” before the word “preceding.” Action taken: PASSED Yes: 607 | No: 276 | Votes cast: 883
Proposal 7: Girl Scouts Gold Award Fund – To affirm the recommendation of the Movement Gold Award Scholarship Foundation Task Force to create a permanent donor-restricted fund in support of Gold Award scholarships and to reflect this in the Fundraising Policies section of the Blue Book. Action taken: PASSED Yes: 863 | No: 14 | Votes cast: 877