February 2019:
As approved by the National Board of Directors at its January 24, 2019 meeting:
1. Added asterisk under Credentials/Membership Dues and Procedures for Registration:
Lifetime members pay $400 lifetime membership dues at the time they become lifetime members; discounted lifetime membership dues of $200 shall be offered to anyone who was a registered Girl Scout member before the age of 18 and is under the age of 30 at the time of becoming a lifetime member.*
2. Added footnote on pg. 26:
*Pursuant to a pilot program approved by the GSUSA Board of Directors on Jan. 24, 2019, the following special pricing is in effect for April 2019:
(i) During the month of April 2019, Girl Scout council and GSUSA employees may purchase lifetime membership for the discounted rate of $200;
(ii) During the month of April 2019, adults with 10 or more years of volunteer service with Girl Scouts may purchase lifetime membership for the discounted rate of $200.
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