What does a National Council Session look like and what’s the order of business? The following agenda from the 2017 NCS is given as an example of what you can expect. These items took place over multiple days and multiple sessions.
- Opening Ceremony
- Call to Order
- Credentials Report
- Adoption of Standing Rules
- Adoption of Agenda
- Stewardship Report of the National Board of Directors*
- Report of the Treasurer
- WAGGGS World Conference Update
- WAGGGS Leadership Address
- Q&A Session on Proposal 2**
- Motion on Proposal 2
- Q&A Session on Proposal 1
- Motion on Proposal 1
- Discussion Topic
- Nominations for National Board of Directors and National Board Development Committee/ Elections
- Q&A Session on Proposal 3
- Motion on Proposal 3
- Address by Guest Speaker†
- Final Credentials Report
- Election Results and Installation of National Board and National Board Development Committee
- Keynote Address #1†
- Resolution of Appreciation
- Report from the Girl Planning Team
- Keynote Address #2†
- National Young Women of Distinction Presentation‡
- Time & Place Report for 2020 National Council Session
- Closing Ceremony
* The Stewardship Report is an overview of the organization including topics such as overall strategies, achievements during the triennium, fundraising efforts, and financial updates. A hard copy is usually provided to delegates and guests who attend the National Council Session and can be downloaded from the GSUSA website as a PDF at a later date.
** Proposals don’t necessarily have to be heard in order. In 2017, a motion was made and passed before the adoption of the agenda requesting for Proposal 2 to be presented before Proposal 1. Read this article to learn more about the proposal process prior to the NCS.
† Inspirational guest speakers are usually part of the program and can be intermixed between business items. Keynote speakers are usually reserved for the National CEO and the National President (also known as National Board Chair).
‡ Now known as the National Girl Scout Gold Award Presentation.