Special National Council Session 2024 Workbook Published

A virtual special session of the National Council will be called on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

The purpose of this special session is to discuss and vote on a potential raise in membership dues. According to the Blue Book, both the National Board and the National Council share authority over membership dues, but the National Board is limited to a raise of no more than 25% between any one triennium. A raise over 25% requires approval from the National Council.

The Workbook for the Special Session has been published and can be found on the GSUSA website. Proposals and rationales will be shared individually on GSG as articles for those who would like to comment on them. National Delegates should continue to check the official delegate website for news and webinars.

1 Comment

  1. GSUSA has given us less and less for more money. What happened to handbooks with badge requirements in each girl’s hands? That was the real essence that made Girl Scouts unified. Our councils take the lion’s share of cookie profits. We have girls who can’t afford the luxurious costs of sports travel teams, individual sports or music instruction, but Girl Scouts was affordable for all, especially the girls who had nothing else. Price yourself out of being a help? Hopefully not on my watch!

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