Register for Livestream of Special 57th National Council Session

A virtual special session of the National Council will be called on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

The purpose of this special session is to discuss and vote on a potential raise in membership dues. According to the Blue Book, both the National Board and the National Council share authority over membership dues, but the National Board is limited to a raise of no more than 25% between any one triennium. A raise over 25% requires approval from the National Council. Two proposals will be voted on:

Those who are not delegates are invited to register to watch a Livestream of the proceedings on this page. The event is free. National Delegates should check their email for a “Know Before You Go” document which will explain your procedure for Saturday’s meeting.


  1. I registered, but it did not give me the option to select Delegate, so I filled it in under Other. Is there a seperate link for Delegates? Anyone know how I get it?

    1. Hi Shannon – National Delegates have a separate process and should not register for the listen-only Livestream. You should have gotten an email with explicit instructions if you are a National Delegate. If not, check the National Delegate website.

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